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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Rosa Maria Bueno;” ,找到相关结果约96991条。
Mídia, juventude e memória cultural
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Educa??o & Sociedade , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-73302008000300003
Abstract: this text aims to discuss relations between memory, media and youth. i discuss dates from a research with brazilian students about their cultural memories, alterity and audiovisual products in our culture. theoretical references are concepts from henri bergson, andreas huyssen, maria rita kehl and michel foucault. i put forward the argument that production of subjectivity, in our times, is narrowly related to the experience with images and texts from different media. technologies of communication and information offer an important source to memories construction, in order to shape our lives and our differences.
"Mitologias" em torno da novidade tecnológica em educa??o
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Educa??o & Sociedade , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-73302012000400007
Abstract: in this essay, we discuss some myths about digital technologies on education, working with concepts of michel foucault, sherry turkle, marilena chauí and muniz sodré about those issues. this paper focuses on the subjectivities construction, considering the new ethical scenery related with educational practices on communication, virtual life, especially by young people, from various strata of society.
O dispositivo pedagógico da mídia: modos de educar na (e pela) TV
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Educa??o e Pesquisa , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-97022002000100011
Abstract: the text discusses the concept of "media pedagogical apparatus", conceived and thought after michel foucault's concepts of "apparatus of sexuality" and "modes of subjectivation". based on this framework, it is shown how the media (and particularly the tv) operate in the constitution of subjects and subjectivities in contemporary society, producing images and significations. that is, knowledge that somehow aim at the "education" of people, teaching them ways of existing and being in their culture. comments are made in the article on the results of recent studies that have been carried out by the author about the strategies of questioning subjects from different social strata displayed in various television products. these results point to the fact that multiple and complex issues are at play in the communication process through television, related to the manners through which meanings and subjects are produced within the culture. at the same time, based on the pieces of research have been conducted, the text suggests to researchers, teachers, and students the urgent need to transform the media into a subject of study within the school pedagogical practices.
Foucault e a análise do discurso em educa??o
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Cadernos de Pesquisa , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-15742001000300009
Abstract: in this paper, i present and discuss some important concepts from michel foucault's theory of discourse, specially the concepts of statement, discoursive practice, subject and discoursive heterogeneity. from this theoretical reference, i explain the intimate relation between discourse and power, as well as several and complex forms to investigate "expressed things". the aim is to indicate productive contribution of this theoretical and methodological reference to educacional researches which intend to "analyze discourses".
Mídia e juventude: experiências do público e do privado na cultura
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Cadernos CEDES , 2005, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-32622005000100004
Abstract: i discuss results from research done with youth groups, about their experience with the media, regarding the ways on which our culture has been building the action and expression of public and private life. i analyse not only television "products" made for this public sphere, but also the "text" produced in discussion groups, regarding the way they would characterize today, for these youths, the "human conduct", the ordinary life, the changes and acquaintanceship among the "different ones". the analysis articulates concepts such as foucault's power and subjectivity, zygmunt bauman's individualized society, with hanna arendt's proposal on human conduct and his problematic regarding the public and private spheres. i propose possible strategies for the school, in order to produce a thought over images with which we interact and motivate reciprocal ways of acquaintanceship.
Pequena Miss Sunshine: para além de uma subjetividade exterior
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Pro-Posi??es , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-73072008000200005
Abstract: this article explores the relations between the culture of success and sexuality, with a focus on childhood as an important issue for the different kinds of media, such as television and the cinema. an analysis of the movie little miss sunshine is developed, with the use of theoretical references from foucault, alain badiou, jurandir costa and ismail xavier, about the concepts of audiovisual images, ways of subjectivation and external subjectivity. the aim of the study is to reflect on gender and sexuality issues in a spectacle culture, from a movie narrative in which such values are questioned. there is an analysis of children's bodies and their way of seeing the world, as expressed by the character olive, with gestures, silence and mystery, rather than a revelation of senses. such practices may suggest other ways of considering the relations between media, childhood and gender and sexuality issues.
Docência, cinema e televis?o: quest?es sobre forma??o ética e estética
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-24782009000100008
Abstract: this text proposes to discuss the ethical and aesthetic education of teachers. the principal theoretical references are those concepts of michel foucault dealt with in his course entitled the hermeneutics of the subject. the text puts forward the argument that ethical and aesthetic education, as well as that for educating our perceptions and sensibility, can offer different possibilities for the improvement of teacher education. the author adopts the position that ethical and aesthetic education can be related to an audiovisual immersion experience, in order to expose students - in-service and pre-service teachers - to creative or non-conventional narratives from cinema and television, which are not part of the ordinary "images of spectacle". based on authors like foucault and ancient philosophers from greece and rome, as well as on the work of alain badiou, this paper focuses on the possibilities of establishing relations between philosophy and teacher education, using the example of three recent productions (one brazilian television show and two american movies). teaching is treated here as a privileged locus of experimentation, of transformation of the self and of permanent questioning about how we have become who we are, particularly in the field of education.
Mídia, máquinas de imagens e práticas pedagógicas
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-24782007000200009
Abstract: in this paper, i discuss the relations between media and pedagogical school work, dealing with forms of contemporary existence, in which daily practices, especially when referred to our experience with knowledge, become ways of enrolling ourselves socially: writing, speaking, thinking about the world and about ourselves. such practices are concerned, essentially, with the enchantment with the "new technologies", the excess and accumulation of information, our culture of images, the speed of communication, the new perceptions of time and space, memory and history, the interbreeding of languages in different machines for producing images, among others. it will also deal with contributions from the philosophy of bergson, foucault and badiou, pertinent for studies on audiovisual images, and capable of linking them with works about cinema, video and television, such as those of dubois and silverstone, in order to show the relevance of bringing media material into the debate on contemporary pedagogical practices.
Problematiza??es sobre o exercício de ver: mídia e pesquisa em educa??o
Fischer, Rosa Maria Bueno;
Revista Brasileira de Educa??o , 2002, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-24782002000200007
Abstract: this article presents and discusses a methodological proposal for investigating media, especially television products, in the educational field. with theoretical support from authors like foucault, deleuze, beatriz sarlo and martín-barbero, i argue for investigations into audio-visual language that seek to describe discourses circulating as hegemonic truths, in order to produce determined ways of subjectivation. analysis of discourse, related to media products, works as a "tool" for describing practices of discourse and non-discourse about ways of seeing in contemporary life.
Mídia e educa??o da mulher: uma discuss?o teórica sobre modos de enunciar o feminino na TV
Revista Estudos Feministas , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0104-026X2001000200015
Abstract: this paper discusses foucault's concepts of power, subjectification and (a)normality, as well as homi bhabha's concepts of culture and difference, in relation to the question of the feminine enunciation as articulated by the psychoanalyst maria rita kehl. the article assesses how discourses on women are constructed in different televised products, emphasizing the symbolic emptiness/silences of the feminine. according to kehl, for both men and women this fact is a consequence of "the cursed dimension in our culture," since women have been historically in a position in which the subject is always the other: be it the father, the phallic mother or the partner.

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